Magic of a Weekend Getaway: Sea, Mountains and Masurian Lakes
In the daily hustle and bustle, filled with professional and family obligations, it's increasingly difficult to find time for rest and relaxation. Therefore, weekend trips are becoming more and mor...
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Welcome to Cieńków in Wisła: An Oasis of Peace in the Silesian Beskids
Wisła is a picturesque town located in the heart of the Silesian Beskids, which attracts many tourists every year. One of the most beautiful places in the vicinity of Wisła is Cieńków, a mountain n...
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Voucher for a hotel stay - the perfect gift for Mom
Mother's Day is a special occasion to express gratitude and love for the most important woman in our lives. Choosing a gift for this occasion can be difficult – we want it to be unique, personal, a...
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Studenci Wydziału Turystyki i Rekreacji AWF w Katowicach w Centrali NAT
Spotkanie ze studantami było wyjątkową okazją do wymiany doświadczeń i inspiracji zgromadzonych studentów, atmosfera nabierała energii optymizmu i chęci do nauki.Wiceprezes NAT - Aleksander Wierzba...
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NAT at the International Tourism Fair
The two-day International Tourism Fair, which took place in Zabrze on April 05-06, 2024, is behind us. It was a time full of inspiring meetings, fruitful discussions, and interesting presentations ...
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Vice-President of NAT on the Board of the Polish Chamber of Tourism
On Friday, March 22, in the pleasant atmosphere of the WILGA Hotel Katowice Airport, the General Assembly of Members of the Silesian Branch of the Polish Chamber of Tourism took place, which was al...
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NAT supports local communities. The Vice President of NAT during the 15th anniversary of TPD
"Every child is a treasure that needs to be cherished and protected" - Maria Konopnicka Today marks the 15th Anniversary of the Friends of Children Society in Trzebina, which brings together childr...
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The Vice President of NAT awarded the commitment of young ice hockey enthusiasts.
The Vistula River Tourism Agency Ltd., for many years has been supporting various social actions aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and a love for sports, especially among children and youth. T...
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Ski competitions - cancelled
We regret to inform you that due to adverse weather conditions and forecasted rainfall, we have been forced to cancel this year's Giant Slalom Mining Ski Competition, which was to take place on Mar...
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Mining Industry Skiing Competition in Giant Slalom on March 2 in Wisła
This is an event that has become a permanent fixture in the calendar of events organized at the Station every year. It enjoys great interest among the mining industry, providing participants with u...
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NAT - at the Independence Run in Athens
The National Independence Day is also an important event for the Polish diaspora living abroad.On the occasion of the 105th anniversary of Poland's independence, a 5-kilometer Independence Run was ...
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NAT is the main partner of GKS Tychy
For another year, we support the players of the GKS Tychy ice hockey section, wishing them further success.
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Lucjan Karasiewicz - President of NAT, Guest of the radio station "Radio dla Ciebie
The industry is slowly summing up the season, but for many Poles it is not the end of their holiday plans.August is slowly coming to an end, but there are still many people planning their holidays ...
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Sięgamy poza granice
W tym roku, po raz pierwszy mogliśmy zaprezentować swoją obecność w Grecji.Jako partner wydarzenia, uczestniczyliśmy w Pikniku POLONORAMA Marzena Mavridis, pod patronatem Polskiej Ambasady.W Anton...
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Hotele NAT w konkursie na "Najromantyczniejszy hotel w Polsce"
Zapraszamy do oddania głosu na nasze hotele i wygranie weekendu!Sześć naszych hoteli zakwalifikowało się do konkursu na najbardziej romantyczne hotele w Polsce! W kategorii "Najbardziej Romantyczny...
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ITTF WARSAW 2023 za nami!
Dziękujemy za czas spotkań, rozmów i wymianę doświadczeńMiędzynarodowe Targi Turystyczne ITTF Warsaw, które odbyły się w dniach 16-18 marca 2023 roku w Pałacu Kultury i Nauki w Warszawie, organizow...
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NAT na targach ITB Berlin
Po raz pierwszy Zarząd i przedstawieciele kadry kierowniczej uczestniczyli w Międzynarodowych Targach Turystyczych ITB Berlin.Targi Turystyczne ITB Berlin to jedna z największych i najbardziej pres...
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Najważniejsze trofeum Zawodów Narciarskich Branży Górniczej w Slalomie Gigancie
Najważniejsze trofeum Zawodów Narciarskich Branży Górniczej w Slalomie Gigancie w stacji narciarskiej Cieńków w Wiśle, wywalczyła reprezentacja PGG S.A.Najważniejsze trofeum Zawodów Narciarskich Br...
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Wiceprezes Aleksander Wierzba w eksperckiej rozmowie z portalem
Mocną stroną hoteli może być rozbudowana oferta i różborodne opcje cenowe. Polacy potrzebują wypoczynku i z pewnością z niego nie zrezygnują.Obserwując obłożenie hoteli w pierwszym miesiącu 2023, z...
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Zawody Narciarskie Branży Górniczej w Slalomie Gigancie
Zawody Narciarskie Branży Górniczej w Slalomie Gigancie pod Honorowym Patronatem Ministra Aktywów PaństwowychWisła, Stacja Narciarska Cieńków, 04.03.2023rW dniu 4 marca 2023 roku na stoku Stacji Na...
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Prezes NAT gościem TVP Warszawa
Zimowy wypoczynek w Polsce czy nie? Ferie ze śniegiem, a może pod palmami? Od czego to zależy? - to wszystko w porannym programie Warszawski Dzień.Nasz Prezes - Lucjan Karasiewicz, dzisiaj podczas...
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Prezes NAT w porannym programie TVP Szczecin
Ferie zimowe to dobry moment, żeby wykorzystać Bon Turystyczny zapewnia Prezes NAT - Lucjan Karasiewicz, w wywiadzie dla TVP Szczecin.W porannym programie Kronika TVP Szczecin Prezes NAT mówił o b...
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Prezes NAT jako ekspert w portalu interia biznes
O sytuacji w branży, o inwestycjach i o preferencji Polaków z redaktorem portali Interia Biznes rozmawiał Prezes NAT Lucjan Karasiewicz.Branża obniża koszty by przetrwać trudny rok, ale inwestycje ...
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Prezes NAT z wyróżnieniem podczas II Gali Waszej Turystyki
Wczoraj odbyła się II Gala Waszej Turystyki, organizowana przez portal Podczas wieczoru zostały wręczone między innymi dyplomy i nagrody dla wszystkich osób, które znalazły się n...
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Nowe Biura Sprzedaży NAT
Zapraszmy do nowych biur sprzedaży NAT w Rybniku i w OświęcimiuJuż od 16.01.2023r. zapraszamy wszystkich Państwa do odwiedzenie naszych nowych biur sprzedaży w Oświęcimiu i Rybniku.W ofercie znajdz...
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Prezes NAT wśród 100 najbardziej wpływowych osób polskiej turystyki Prezes
Prezes NAT - Lucjan Karasiewicz, wyróżniony został w rankingu portalu wśród 100 najbardziej wpływowych osób w polskiej turystyce 2022 – osób, które realnie wywierają największy wp...
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Międzynarodowe Targi Turystyczne GLOBalnie Katowice 18.03.-22.03.2022r.
Katowice 18.03.-22.03.2022r.Po dwóch latach przerwy, spowodowanych pandemią, mogliśmy się znowu spotkać w Międzynarodowym Centrum Konferencyjnym w Katowicach podczas 26. Międzynarodowych Targów GLO...
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Wspieramy i pomagamy! Każdy tak jak może i wszyscy przeciw wojnie!
Zapraszamy na Piknik Wsparcia - „Łączy nas coś więcej niż barwy” pod honorowym patronatem Marszałka Województwa Śląskiego - Jakuba Chełstowskiego Już w czwartek (10.03.2022 r.) na Stadionie Śląsk...
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PGG o/ KWK ROW I wygrywa zmagania branży górniczej na Cieńkowie
Po ubiegłorocznej przerwie, spowodowanej pandemią Covid-19, na stoku Cieńkowa znowu rywalizowała ze sobą branża górnicza z terenu Śląska w slalomie gigancie.Tegoroczne edycja została objęta honorow...
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Zawody narciarskie branży górniczej na Cieńkowie już w sobotę
Zawody narciarskie branży górniczej na Cieńkowie już w sobotę (05.03.2022) Już w najbliższą sobotę branża górnicza ze Śląska rywalizować będzie w slalomie gigancie na stoku Cieńkowa w Wiśle.W tym r...
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Solidarni z Ukrainą
W obliczu nieuzasadnionej agresji Rosji na Ukrainę, Zarząd Nadwiślańskiej Agencji Turystycznej Sp. z o.o. wraz z organizacją związkową NSZZ „Solidarność” działającą na terenie Spółki, wyrażają wspa...
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Cieńków najlepszy wśród beskidzich stoków narciarskich...
Głosowaniem internautów Cieńków zdobył tytuł "Mistrza Beskidzkich Stoków 2022"Ranking beskidzkich stoków jest przeprowadzany corocznie przez portal Tegoroczna edycja była już pi...
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Zawody narciarskie branży górniczej w slalomie gigancie
22-02-2022 Zawody narciarskie branży górniczej w slalomie gigancie pod honorowym patronatem Ministerstwa Aktywów Państwowych Stacja Narciarska Cieńków Wisła - 05.03.2022r.Tradycyjne już zawody narc...
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Wiceprezes NAT w eksperckiej rozmowie z portalem
Obserwując obłożenie hoteli w pierwszym miesiącu 2023, zakładamy, że ten rok może okazać się słabszy w stosunku do poprzedniego – mówi Aleksander Wierzba, wiceprezes Nadwiślańskiej Agencji Turystyc...
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Ogłoszenie w sprawie połączenia spółek
Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno – Usługowo – Handlowe „ANIA” spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą w Pszowie (Spółka Przejmowana)Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Spółka z ograniczoną odpo...
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Nowy Zarząd Śląskiej Organizacji Turystycznej
W dniu dzisiejszym wyłoniono nowy Zarząd Śląskiej Organizacji Turystycznej.W skład Zarządu wszedł między innymi Prezes Zarządu NAT - Lucjan Karasiewicz.Całemu Zarządowi życzymy wielu sukcesów i sa...
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Hotele NAT zapraszają
Stwarzamy takie warunki wypoczynku, które zapewniają bezpieczeństwo i tworzymy hotele do których chętnie się wraca.Po długim czasie przestoju nasze hotele i ośrodki wypoczynkowe są ponownie otwart...
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Długi weekend - praca biur sprzedaży
Ze względu na długi weekend ulegają zmianie dyżury biur sprzedaży NAT.Szanowni Państwo,w związku z długim weekendem część naszych biur sprzedaży jest zamknięta. Pozostajemy jednak cały czas do Pańs...
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Uruchamiamy Platformę Zakupową
W celu dotarcia do jak największej ilości dostawców oferujących produkty i usługi dla branży hotelowej, a także dążąc do uproszczenia bieżących procesów, przyśpieszenia pracy poszczególnych działów...
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Gwarancja Ceny - wypoczynek 2022
Rezerwuj już dziś i skorzystaj z promocji!Regulamin promocji "GWARANCJA CENY":Akcja „GWARANCJA CENY” przeznaczona jest dla Klientów Sieci Hoteli i Obiektów NAT, którzy planują w 2022 roku odpoczywa...
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Ogłoszenie o postępowaniu kwalifikacyjnym na stanowisko Prezesa Zarządu
Ogłoszenie o postępowaniu kwalifikacyjnym na stanowisko Prezesa Zarządu Nadwiślańskiej Agencji Turystycznej Sp. z o.o. w TychachRADA NADZORCZA Nadwiślańskiej Agencji Turystycznej Sp. z o. o. z sied...
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Announcement of the qualification procedure for the position of Vice-President of the Management Board of Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o. in Tychy
SUPERVISORY BOARD of Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o.based in Tychy at ul. Towarowa 23pursuant to § 9 in connection with § 8 section 3 and 4 of the Company Agreementannounces the recrui...
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Secure bookings - safe holidays
We guarantee safety from the moment of booking until the end of your stay in our facilities.Our priority is to ensure the highest safety standards in NAT hotels and resorts. We make every effort to...
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Happy Easter!
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ANNOUNCEMENT OF QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE FOR THE POSITION OF PRESIDENT OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD of Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Usługowo-Handlowe "Ania" Sp. z o. o. based in Pszów
Commission to conduct the qualification procedurefor the position of President of the Management BoardPPUH "Ania" Sp. z o. o. based in Pszów at ul. Traugutta 51, 44-370 Pszówpursuant to § 9 section...
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NAT hotels with Traveler Review Awards 2021
Based on guests' opinions after staying in hotels...Traveler Review Adwords awards are granted once a year by the portal. They are a summary of the ratings of facilities that guests lea...
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The perfect gift for a loved oneA stay in the most beautiful places in Poland can be a perfect gift. If you are wondering what to give a loved one as a Christmas gift, a gift voucher is perfect for...
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PROMOTION "Christmas Discounts"
Plan your 2021 holiday with us at promotional prices!December is the time when we especially think about our loved ones! Plan your unforgettable holiday in 2021 today with a special offer! Treat yo...
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Safely plan your safe holiday in Poland today, risk-free and with a special discount! Holidays 2021 now on sale!The world has turned upside down! He ruined all our holiday plans! But now is the tim...
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Diploma of the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship
Diploma of the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship for Merits for the Development of Tourism in 2020 for the NAT Management BoardLucjan Karasiewicz - President of the Management Board and Aleksande...
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Work of NAT sales offices on August 14, 2020
Change of office hoursOn August 14, 2020 (Friday), our sales offices in Brzeszcze, Lędziny and Bieruń will be closed.Please contact our points in Tychy, Pszów or Rybnik and directly with NAT facili...
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Hotels***NAT open to everyone
Interview with Aleksander Wierzba - Vice-President of Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczbej Sp. z o. o.Interview in PGG magazine
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Stay in NAT hotels and recreation facilities during the pandemic (from June 8, 2020)
We can reopen our hotels and resorts. Preparations for the season took a long time and we are even more happy that we will host you again. Everything is ready as always and the most important prior...
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NAT Sales Offices open
While observing special safety rules, we are reopening our Sales OfficesFrom May 11, 2020, we invite you again to our sales offices:NAT Tychy(43-100 Tychy, ul. Wejchertów 2)Mon-Fri 9:00-15:00NAT Br...
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Opening schedule of hotels and recreation centers of Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o
We will open the first hotels on May 16, our apartments are already accepting guests The opening schedule of hotels and recreation centers is updated on an ongoing basis. This is a preliminary sche...
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FAQ - COVID-19 questions and answers
We include the most frequently asked questions and answers regarding your reservation in the event of a COVID-19 threatMy holiday has been canceled - the hotel/recreation center is closed. What now...
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You buy a voucher - you gain PLN 100
Special promotion... for everyone who dreams of relaxation.We invite everyone who dreams of a holiday but cannot plan it yet! Relaxation by the sea, in the mountains and in Masuria... the desired v...
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NAT in the era of coronavirus
#StayIndmu #ChangeTheDateDon'tCancel #There'll Still BeTimeToRestFor the sake of your safety, as well as the safety of our employees and their families, we are limiting or suspending operational ac...
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NAT Sales Offices are closed until March 31, 2020
Taking care of our common safety and recommendations to stay at home, our local sales offices will be closed until March 31, 2020.We are at your disposal by telephone.Dear Customers, taking care of...
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Polish capital, Polish hospitality
We are consciously moving away from the clear image of an organizer of mining holidays, because we can meet the needs of a wide range of guests - says ALEKSANDER WIERZBA, vice-president of the Nadw...
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Let's stay calm and remember about hygiene
Due to the current situation and emerging questions, we assure you - our resorts and hotels are operating as planned.Dear guests!Due to the current situation and emerging questions, we assure you -...
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Interruption in the operation of the TaTRadycja Restaurant in Bukowina Tatrzańska
The restaurant is closed from March 16 to 20 and from March 23 to 27We would like to inform you that from March 16 to 20 and from March 23 to 27, the TaTRAdycja restaurant in Bukowina Tatrzańska wi...
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Ski competition in the giant slalom of the mining industry February 29, 2020 - video report
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Media about competitions :)
This year's edition of the mining industry's giant slalom ski competition under the honorary patronage of the Government Plenipotentiary for the restructuring of the hard coal mining industry, Secr...
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Merger of companies - information
We would like to inform you that on March 2, 2020, a merger took place pursuant to Art. 492 § 1 point 1) of the Commercial Companies Code by transferring all assets of NAT Apartamenty Sp. z o. o. (...
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Skiing competition in the giant slalom of the mining industry - Knurów - Szczygłowice on the box!
The mining industry's ski competition in giant slalom, organized at the Cieńków Ski Station in Wisła, has already become a tradition. This year's edition was held under the honorary patronage of th...
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Intergenerational Amateur Ski Competition at SN Cieńków in Wisła
This Sunday (February 9, 2020) we invite you to participate in the giant slalom skiing competition - WSB at SN Cieńków in Wisła.Since 2004, the WSB Academy has been organizing the Intergenerational...
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Ski competition in the giant slalom of the mining industry February 29, 2020
This year's edition was held under the honorary patronage of the Government Plenipotentiary for the restructuring of the hard coal mining industry, Secretary of State at the Ministry of State Asset...
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Gazeta Wyborcza about changes in Hotel***NAT Ustroń
The media writes about the changes we are introducing and the continuous development of our hotels :)Hotel NAT in Ustroń, described by Gazeta Wyborcza as "a popular hotel in the Beskids", will soon...
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There is a lot of talk about our offer :)
No wonder, since you won't pay a penny for your child's stay!*** NAT hotels in Sarbinowo and Jarosławiec have prepared special offers for children and guardians, where children stay for free. Addit...
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They write about us... news in the Hotel*** NAT Ustroń
Article on the e-hotelarz portal....Two modern conference rooms for 120 people, a new multi-functional gymnasium and a living room - these are the results of the recently completed renovation of th...
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President of NAT - Lucjan Karsiewicz on
In the conversation, the President assessed the current form and condition of Polish tourism, and in particular the preparation of Beskid towns for the winter season.We invite you to watch and list...
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Winter... lovers of white madness are rubbing their hands
Cieńków Ski Station in Wisła - the largest and most popular ski resort near Barania Góra is already preparing for the new season.It is true that winter has not yet covered us with a white, downy, s...
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Company merger plan
The plan includes the merger of NAT Apartamenty Sp. z o. o. with Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o.
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They write about us...
President of NAT - Lucjan Karasiewicz, about new apartments in Bukowina"...Guided by the needs and preferences of our guests, taking into account the attractiveness of individual destinations and t...
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NEW IN OFFER! Family apartments in Bukowina Tatrzańska
Another NAT investment completed. We will welcome the first guests to the family apartments in Bukowina Tatrzańska on August 6.We successfully completed the investment in Bukowina Tatrzańska - the ...
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Change of the Company's registered office - NEW ADDRESS!
As of July 1, 2019, Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o. changes its registered office addressLadies and Gentlemen,We kindly inform you that as of July 1, 2019, Nadwiślańska Agencja Turysty...
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The swimming pool fire in Sarbinowo has been extinguished!
The fire in the swimming pool area of ​​Hotel***NAT Sarbinowo (Jawor) was extinguished. The hotel part was not damaged.Today, around 4:30 a.m., a fire broke out in the swimming pool area of ​​the H...
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25th International Tourism Fair GLOBALNIE in Katowice - DAY THREE
We have completed this year's participation in the 25th GLOBALNIE International Tourism Fair in Katowice. We would like to thank everyone who visited us at our stand, as well as everyone who contri...
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25th International Tourism Fair GLOBALNIE in Katowice - DAY TWO
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25th International Tourism Fair GLOBALNIE in Katowice - open
As every year, we meet with you - our clients, guests of our hotels and recreation centers, residents of Silesia and the surrounding area, as well as with our friends and acquaintances from the tou...
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The Minister of Energy's Cup in the hands of ROW competitors during Saturday's ski competition in Wisła
On Saturday, March 2, 2019 once again, mining industry workers from Silesia and their families competed with each other on the Cieńków slope in Wisła. The Mining Industry Skiing Competition in Gian...
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New NAT office
We are pleased to invite you to our new office in Pszów (44-370 Pszów, ul. Trauguta 2).We work from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.mtel. 32/729 18 78
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We are helping a small resident of Wisła - Ewelinka
This Saturday we invite you to Wisła to the Cieńków Ski Station - while resting you can help sick Ewelinka. We do not remain indifferent. Helping by resting.
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2nd CUP OF THE MINISTER OF ENERGY, as every year, in Wisła - SN CIENKÓWOn March 2, 2019, the Mining Industry Giant Slalom Skiing Competition for the Minister of Energy's Cup will be held on the slo...
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Crystal Globe - Polish Tourism Fair Play Award for NAT
The Polish Chamber of Tourism and MT Targi once again jointly awarded the Fair Play Polish Tourism Crystal Globe award. This year it went to NAT. The award was received by President Paweł Niewiadom...
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100 years of regaining independence of the Republic of Poland - PLN 100 for the first STU :) New promotion at NAT!
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We are extending November weekends
Special promotional offer for November weekends! 3 days for the price of 2!!
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We support the activity of children and young people
II Tychy Junior Cup - cycling competition for childrenOn September 15, the 2nd Tychy Junior Cup - a cycling competition for children - took place in Jaworkek Park. The event was held under the patr...
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The 10th International Tourism Fair in Zabrze is already behind us
For the first time, we visited the MOSIR hall in Zabrze during the International Tourism Fair. We invited you to relax by the sea in the mountains and Masuria.We would like to thank the Organizers,...
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This year's GLOBally fair is over!
The third (last) day of the 24th International Tourism Fair GLOBal in Katowice.We would like to thank everyone who visited our stand during the three days of the fair.We hope that you liked the fla...
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GLOBalnie Katowice fair - day two - it was happening!!
The second day of the 24th International Tourism Fair GLOBal in Katowice at stand no. 14 :)Another day full of excitement and delicacies at our stand. More meetings, conversations and a great atmos...
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A successful day at the GLOBal International Tourism Fair in Katowice
The first day of the 24th International Tourism Fair GLOBally in Katowice is behind us.The TaTRadycja restaurant in Bukowina Tatrzańska, together with the chef Krzysztof Lizak, was the center of at...
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Skiing competition in giant slalom - 2nd Cup of the Minister of Energy - ended with the victory of PGG S.A. O/KWK ROW IOnce again, the giant slalom ski competition for the Minister of Energy's Cup ...
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The 2nd Cup of the Minister of Energy will take place next Saturday
This Saturday, March 3, 2018, a giant slalom ski competition will be held at the Cieńków Ski Station - the 2nd Cup of the Minister of Energy.Framework program of the event:time. 9.00 - 9.30 confirm...
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Cieńków Ski Station in Wisła - a gem in NAT
We invite you for skiing and more. Watch the video.The Cieńków Ski Station in Wisła will satisfy both the more demanding and beginner skiers, as well as entire families with small children. It offe...
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We present the results of a survey drawn annually in our facilities.Congratulations to all those selected!!! We send the prizes by post!!!Each participant of the survey conducted at the NAT facilit...
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Wedding in Bukowina
Anna and Roman started their journey through life together in Bukowina TatrzańskaA wedding is one of those moments in life that you remember until the end. Preparations, planning, stress... all to ...
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Ski competition - 2nd Cup of the Minister of Energy - welcome
We invite you to participate in the mining industry ski competition in giant slalom - II CUP OF THE MINISTER OF ENERGY COMPETITIONWisła SN Cieńków – March 3, 2018 Ski competitions in the mining ind...
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TaTRadycja restaurant in Bukowina Tatrzańska - new NAT project - START time!!
Today (19/01/2018) the Management Board and Management Staff officially approved the opening of a new restaurant in Bukowina Tatrzańska.A'la carte restaurant - this has never happened in NAT before...
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Cieńków Ski Station high in the ONET ranking
For the ninth time, the Onet editorial team has prepared a ranking of ski stations.ONET reporters visited over 50 Polish ski resorts. The Cieńków Ski Station in Wisła achieved a very high position,...
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New Year - our achievements and plans
We are ending the jubilee year for NAT. We can proudly say that we are one of the fastest growing hotel chains in Poland. Twenty years is experience that commits.However, 2017 was not a time of cel...
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We are socially active and we are proud of it!
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Thank you for many years of cooperation
Today, i.e. November 28, 2017, the President of the Management Board of Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o. - Czesław Żelichowski and Katarzyna Merwart, Vice-President of the Company, than...
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NAT with an honorary badge for services to the Silesian Voivodeship
During this year's Gala of the Tychy Entrepreneurship Leader, NAT was awarded a golden badge of honor for his services to the Silesian voivodeships.The distinction was received by the President of ...
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Welcome to Wisła!! Attractive, holiday and active :)
Pętla Cieńkowska - a wonderful place in the heart of the Beskid Mountains, where the soothing peace of nature is combined with the truly sporty character of the ski jumping hill. Adam Małysz.Holida...
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This summer we will see each other in Cieńków
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Thank you for your wishes, congratulations ...
We received a huge amount of congratulations, thanks and wishes for further years of success. We hope that all of them will come true and that we will be able to pursue the new goals we set for our...
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The anniversary gala is already behind us! Thank you for 20 years together!
On Thursday, in the Mediateka hall in Tychy, among many supporters, friends, contractors, agents and invited guests, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Company. To the sounds of the mining b...
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Mining Industry Skiing Competition in Giant Slalom for the Cup of the Minister of Energy - Wisła 04/03/2017 - GALLERY
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"Wieczorek" thanks you for the competition!
Zawodnicy KHW S.A. KWK WIECZOREK dziękują za zawody, a my dziękujemy za wspaniałą rywalizację, pozytywne emocje i udział. Do zobaczenia za rok :)Zawody branży górniczej w slalomie gigancie odkryły ...
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Cup of the Minister of Energy for the Marcel Rydułtowy movement!
Branch of PGG Sp. z o. o. - KWK ROW Ruch Rydułtowy Marcel the best team in the Mining Industry Skiing Competition in the Giant Slalom for the Cup of the Minister of Energy - Wisła SN Cieńków 04/03/...
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Mining Industry Skiing Competition in Giant Slalom for the Cup of the Minister of Energy
On the first Saturday of March (04/03/2017) we invite you to the Mining Industry Skiing Competition in Giant Slalom for the Cup of the Minister of Energy to Wisła - Cieńków Ski StationThe mining in...
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The Minister of Energy takes patronage over the ski competition at SN Cieńków
Ski competitions for the mining industry in Wisła at the Cieńków Ski Station have already become a tradition. This year, the patron of the competition will be the Minister of Energy, which will cer...
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COMPETITION for "Shadow's Mascot"
Cieńków Ski Station is an attractive winter sports center and a family walking trail "Pętla Cieńkowska" in spring, autumn and summer.REGULATIONS OF THE "Cieńków Mascot" COMPETITIONI. GENERAL PROVIS...
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Another Hotel*** under the wings of NAT
The categorization process of the Ogrodzisko Guesthouse has been completed - it is now a Hotel***!!A few days ago, we successfully completed the categorization process in our facility in Wisła (pre...
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The Kompania Węglowa President's Cup went to KWK Marcel
KWK Marcel was unrivaled in the giant slalom ski competition for the Cup of the President of Kompania Węglowa, which was successfully held on March 5, 2016 at SN Cieńków.Among the 9 teams that part...
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Crews registered!
Skiing competition in giant slalom for the Cup of the President of Kompania Węglowa on March 5, 2016 at the Cieńków Ski Station in Wisła.The competition will take place on March 5, 2015 at the "Cie...
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Ski Competition for the Cup of the President of KW S.A. - 05/03 SN Cieńków
On March 5, 2016, the giant slalom ski competition for the KW SA President's Cup will take place - we invite you to Wisła!Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o. in Tychy cordially invites you...
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Drawing results - survey 2015
We have finished sending the prizes drawn as part of the survey conducted in the facilities of Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o. in the summer season of 2015Congratulations to all those ...
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The new face of DWL Jagiellonka in Krynica Zdrój
Jagiellonka will welcome winter with a new image.After the renovation of seaside facilities and the categorization of three facilities - Hotel*** Jawor in Sarbinowo, Hotel*** Rybniczanka in Świnouj...
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Regatta 2015 - completed!!
On September 26, 2015, the Górnicze Sailing Regatta in the Omega class for the Cup of the President of Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. was held at the "Fregata" Sailing Center in Zarzecze. z o...
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Mining Sailing Regatta in the Omega class on Lake Żywieckie
This Saturday, sailors taking part in the Górnicza Sailing Regatta in the Omega class for the NAT Sp. President's Cup will gather at the "Fregata" Sailing Center in Zarzecze on the Żywieckie Lake. ...
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Have fun with us on FB
Competition/fun on the NATwczasy fanpageYesterday, an invitation to join in the fun appeared on our fanpage. "last weekend of vacation"The competition is open to all Facebook users, and anyone can ...
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The Polish Diabetes Association appreciates Hotel*** Jawor in Sarbinowo
The initiative of Hotel*** Jawor in Sarbinowo regarding the organization of stays for diabetics met with a positive opinion of the Polish Diabetes Association.We managed to obtain permission to use...
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COMPETITION RESULTS!! Win a holiday for PLN 1!!
We already know the winner of our April competition!! Check if luck has smiled on youWe already know the winner of our April competition.The lucky one he getsVOUCHER for a 7-day holiday for 2 peopl...
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We invite organizers of recreation for youth groups and seniors to cooperate....We invite organizers of recreation for youth and senior groups to cooperate with us.Find out more tel. 32 326 23 69 (...
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COMPETITION !! Win a holiday for PLN 1!!
Buy a stay of at least 7 days in April from the offer from the "Spring-Summer 2015" catalog price list and from promotional offers of at least 7-day NAT and take part in...COMPETITION REGULATIONSCh...
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Next NAT hotel after categorization!
Jawor in Sarbinowo has been classified as HOTEL *** (three stars)A few days ago, we successfully completed the categorization process at our facility in Sarbinów (previously OW Jawor). The Marshal ...
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GALLERY - ski competition for the KW SA President's Cup
We invite you to view the photo gallery from the giant slalom ski competition for the KW SA President's Cup - Saturday, March 7, 2015 - SN Cieńków WisłaWe would like to thank the sponsors once agai...
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Ski competition for the KW SA President's Cup
Summary and results of Saturday's Competition - Wisła Cieńków - March 7, 2015Giant Slalom ski competition for the Cup of the President of Kompania Węglowa S.A. have already become a tradition in th...
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Ski competition for the KW SA President's Cup
Already on March 7, 2015, the giant slalom ski competition for the Cup of the President of KW SA - SN Cieńków Wisła will be heldNadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o. in Tychy cordially invit...
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Specjalnie na Mikołajki ogłaszamy wyniki losowania z badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego w obiektach Nadwiślańskiej Agencji Turystycznej Sp. z o.o. w sezonie letnim...Wszystkim wylosowanym gratulu...
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President of NAT - appreciated in the voivodeship
Diplomas of the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship For services to the development of tourism in the Silesian Voivodeship in 2014 to the President of NAT - Piotr Wilchelm.During this year's provin...
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II SAILING REGATTA FOR THE PRESIDENT'S CUP OF KOMPANIA WĘGLOWA S.A. !!On September 6, 2014, the 2nd Omega Class Regatta for the Cup of the President of Kompania Węglowa S.A. took place at the "Freg...
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Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o. in Tychy cordially invites you to the 2nd Omega Class Sailing Regatta for the Cup of the President of Kompania Węglowa S.A.The regatta will be held on S...
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Renata Przemyk excited the audience at Cieńków
On Saturday (12/07/2014) at the top of Cieńków, you could listen to Renata Przemyk Akustik Trio, which in a very intimate way reflected the warmth of the evening... The arrangement of the songs per...
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Large Family Card
We have signed an agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy regarding granting discounts in our facilities (18 hotels and holiday facilities in Poland in the best locations) to holders...
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Only on Thursday SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNT ON HOLIDAY STAYS!! Check !!!"HAPPY THURSDAY" - only on Thursdays from July 3 to August 21, 2013, a 10% discount on the purchase of a 7-day stay starting from t...
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Special offer for weekend guests!!! If you spend two weekends with us in any selected facilities, you will pay HALF for the THIRD!!!STATUTEThe promotional offer called "Weekend za Połówę" is valid ...
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CIEŃKÓW - ski competitions canceled
Unfortunately, the giant slalom ski competition for the Cup of the President of Kompania Węglowa S.A. scheduled for March 15, 2014. in Katowice WE MUST CANCEL!!!This year's weather turned out to be...
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Holidays with taste!!!
On Sunday, an event promoting the summer catalog took place at the "Cieńków" Ski Station - under the slogan "HOLIDAYS WITH TASTE".The main role on this day was played by Mr. Remigusz Rączka - a fam...
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On March 15, 2014, on the "Cieńkowa" slope in Wisła Malinka, the giant slalom ski competition for the Cup of the President of Kompania Węglowa S.A. will be held once again. in Katowice.This highly ...
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COMPETITION !! Where do teddy bears spend their holidays?!?
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SUMMER 2014 OFFER now available
Culinary topics now dominate almost all media. We watch original programs by excellent chefs, as well as culinary competitions between cooking enthusiasts and chefs.We also decided to reach your he...
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For Christmas, we announce the results of the draw from the survey conducted in the facilities of Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o. in the summer season of 2013.Congratulations to all th...
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On September 7, 2013, the First Omega Class Regatta for the Cup of the President of Kompania Węglowa took place at the "Fregata" Sailing Center. The organizer of the event was Nadwiślańska Agencja ...
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Only on Thursday SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNT ON HOLIDAY STAYS!! Check !!!"HAPPY THURSDAY" - only on Thursdays from July 3 to August 21, 2013, a 10% discount on the purchase of a 7-day stay starting from t...
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Only on Thursday SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNT ON HOLIDAY STAYS!! Check !!!"HAPPY THURSDAY" - only on Thursdays from July 3 to August 21, 2013, a 10% discount on the purchase of a 7-day stay starting from t...
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Only on Thursday SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNT ON HOLIDAY STAYS!! Check !!!"HAPPY THURSDAY" - only on Thursdays from July 3 to August 21, 2013, a 10% discount on the purchase of a 7-day stay starting from t...
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On June 7 this year, the Tychy Entrepreneurship Leader Gala was held, organized by the District Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Tychy. The intention of the event is to promote the best companie...
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Special offer for weekend guests!!! If you spend two weekends with us in any selected facilities, you will pay HALF for the THIRD!!!STATUTEThe promotional offer called "Weekend za Połówę" is valid ...
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Special offer for weekend guests!!! If you spend two weekends with us in any selected facilities, you will pay HALF for the THIRD!!!STATUTEThe promotional offer called "Weekend za Połówę" is valid ...
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Special offer for weekend guests!!! If you spend two weekends with us in any selected facilities, you will pay HALF for the THIRD!!!STATUTEThe promotional offer called "Weekend za Połówę" is valid ...
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The Polish Chamber of Tourism, together with MT Polska, organized the next edition of the "Weekend for a city dweller" competition. The competition is addressed to travel agencies and recreation ce...
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We invite everyone interested in our SUMMER OFFER and more... to visit our stand during the 18th Tourism and Recreation Fair - SUMMER 2013 in Warsaw.We invite you to the MT Polska Trade Fair and Co...
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CIEŃKÓW - ski competitions canceled
Unfortunately, the giant slalom ski competition for the Cup of the President of Kompania Węglowa S.A. scheduled for March 15, 2014. in Katowice WE MUST CANCEL!!!This year's weather turned out to be...
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CIEŃKÓW - ski competitions canceled
Unfortunately, the giant slalom ski competition for the Cup of the President of Kompania Węglowa S.A. scheduled for March 15, 2014. in Katowice WE MUST CANCEL!!!This year's weather turned out to be...
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CIEŃKÓW - ski competitions canceled
Unfortunately, the giant slalom ski competition for the Cup of the President of Kompania Węglowa S.A. scheduled for March 15, 2014. in Katowice WE MUST CANCEL!!!This year's weather turned out to be...
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Our offer for SUMMER 2013 was appreciated by the jury of the National Competition "JOURNEYS OF MAZREŃ". In the category of the best catalog of domestic and inbound tourism to Poland, NADWIŚLAŃSKA A...
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