Branch of PGG Sp. z o. o. - KWK ROW Ruch Rydułtowy Marcel the best team in the Mining Industry Skiing Competition in the Giant Slalom for the Cup of the Minister of Energy - Wisła SN Cieńków 04/03/2017

The extended formula of this year's competition allowed competitors from various companies from the mining industry to take part. Representatives of Polska Grupa Górnicza, Katowicki Holding Węglowy, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa and Tauron Wydobycie took part in the competition. In total, there were 154 players from 17 teams.

Apart from mining industry workers, their family members also took part in the competition. However, who would win the Minister of Energy Cup was determined by the results of industry employees. The team result was the sum of the five best running times of a given team.

Despite the positive temperature, the conditions during the competition were perfect - the slope was well prepared.

After hours 10, the youngest participants of the competition, i.e. girls and boys aged up to 12, were the first to register at the start. Then their friends aged 15 to 19 fought for the best time. In the next category, pensioners competed, and then ladies, regardless of age. The group was closed by men who were divided into three age groups - 41 years and older, 31 to 40 years old and up to 30 years old. The closer the competition came to the end, the better results we saw.

This year, the fastest competitors - among employees of the mining industry - were Marek Szczyrba, represented by Marcel Rydułtowy, and Danuta Stoppel from the Knurów-Szczygłowice mine.

The team called Ruch Marcel Rydułtowy from the ROW mine, belonging to the Polish Mining Group, won the Minister of Energy's Cup. The next places on the podium went to representatives of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, i.e. teams from the Knurów-Szczygłowice mine and the Zofiówka movement of the Borynia-Zofiówka-Jastrzębie mine. Cups and medals were presented to the teams and competitors who achieved the best time in their categories in the giant slalom by the Deputy Minister of Energy, Grzegorz Tobiszowski.

Apart from Deputy Minister Tobiszowski, the prizes were presented to the winners by, among others, MP Grzegorz Janik, president of Polska Grupa Górnicza Tomasz Rogala, president of Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Piotr Wilchelm and Director of the Supreme Court of Cieńków Krzysztof Brożyna. During the ceremony, the youngest and oldest participant of the competition and those who were the fastest on the slope in Cieńków were also honored. The last to receive cups for the teams.

Below are the results of the best players divided into categories.

Girls up to 12 years of age
1. Magdalena Niziołek (KWK Bolesław Śmiały) - 47.05
2.Martyna Orlik – (PGG Zakład Elektrociepłownie) - 49.79
3.Julia Grzomba (KWK Knurów-Szczygłowice) - 49.90

Boys under 12 years of age
1. Jonathan Pluta (ZG Brzeszcze) - 29.56
2. Piotr Langer (Ruch Borynia) - 35.63
3. Michał Leszko (Ruch Zofiówka) - 38.32

Girls 13-19 years old
1. Wiktoria Siedlaczek (Ruch Marcel Rydułtowy) - 31.37
2. Martyna Kasperek (KWK Bolesław Śmiały) - 31.71
3. Angelika Kryst (Ruch Marcel Rydułtowy) - 33.18

Boys 13-19 years old
1. Piotr Robakowski (Marcel Rydułtowy movement) - 29.48
2. Mikołaj Ryguła (KWK Bolesław Śmiały) - 29.56
3. Dominik Bąk (Boryń movement) - December 31

1. Wojciech Pluta (ZG Brzeszcze) - 30/10
2. Wojciech Kurasz (Marcel Rydułtowy movement) - 30.87
3. Jan Zając (Jakowice Chwałowice movement) - 31.24

Women working in the mining industry (no age division)
1. Danuta Stoppel (KWK Knurów-Szczygłowice) - 34.88
2. Joanna Patas (Jakowice Chwałowice movement) - 37.37
3. Sylwia Janko (Zofiówka movement) - 39.67

Men over 41 years old
1. Mirosław Patas (Jakowice Chwałowice movement) – 28.83
2. Adam Jendryczko (KWK Knurów-Szczygłowice) - 28.98
3. Dariusz Ryguła (KWK Bolesław Śmiały) - 29.66

Men 31-40 years old
1. Marek Szczyrba (Marcel Rydułtowy movement) - 27.37
2. Rafał Mazur (Zofiówka movement) - 28.54
3. Paweł Klimas (KWK Knurów-Szczygłowice) - 28.71

Men up to 30 years old
1. Damian Skupień (Jakowice Chwałowice movement) - 28.48
2. Dawid Wacławik (Marcel Rydułtowy movement) - December 29
3. Filip Nicia (Zofiówka movement) - 30.54

We would like to thank the participants and, of course, the sponsors, without whom the organization of the competition would not be possible:

NAT Sp. z o. o. – Chain of Hotels and Recreation Centers in Poland Tychy (event organizer)
Center for Research and Supervision of Underground Mining Sp. z o. o. Lędziny
Mine Protection Consortium Sp. z o. o. Zabrze
Kompanijne Zakłady Remontowe Remasz Sp. z o. o. Gliwice
COIG S.A. Katowice
Dąbrowska Fabryka Maszyn Damel SA Dąbrowa Górnicza
GSU SA Gliwice
MARAT Rybnik Group
Nowe Miasto Żory with the Town of Twinpigs
Frito Lay Pepsi

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