This Saturday, sailors taking part in the Górnicza Sailing Regatta in the Omega class for the NAT Sp. President's Cup will gather at the "Fregata" Sailing Center in Zarzecze on the Żywieckie Lake. z o. o.

The regatta will take place on September 26, 2015. The organizer is Nadwiślańska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o. o.

Crews from the following plants signed up to participate in the Regatta:

Coal mine "Piast"
KWK "Ziemowit"
KWK "Jankowice"
KWK "Bolesław Śmiały"
Coal mine "Sośnica"
Rybnik Heat and Power Plant
KWK "Knurów-Szczygłowice" from JSW

Day schedule:

8.00-9.00 - registration of competitors at the regatta office
9.00 – briefing with the main judge (in front of the Regatta Office)
9.45 – official start of the regatta (at the flagpole)
10.00 – 13.00 – REGATA – 3 races
14.00 - lunch
15.00 – 17.00 – REGATA – 2 runs
18.00 – ceremonial ending of the regatta, announcement of results, awarding of prizes (at the flagpole)
18.30 – barbecue, shanties – performance of the P.A.G.A.J. band
We invite you to support us and have fun together

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