Once again, we had the honor of participating in and supporting one of the most important sports events for seniors – the International Sports Olympics of the Universities of the Third Age and Senior Organizations, organized mainly by UTW Łazy. The event took place on September 14, 2024, by the picturesque Mitręga Reservoir in Łazy.

Although the weather was not favorable – rain and wind tried to take their toll – the positive energy of the participants and the wonderful atmosphere prevailed! Seniors from various corners of Poland and the world showed that sports know no age limits, and the joy of competition and shared fun is independent of the weather. Hundreds of athletes struggled in various disciplines, supporting each other and sharing smiles.

As the Nadwiślańska Tourism Agency, we proudly support initiatives that promote a healthy lifestyle among seniors. Such events remind us how important movement and physical activity are at any age!

We invite you to visit our hotels and resorts, which perfectly meet the needs of seniors looking for rest after sports challenges. Our facilities in Ustroń, Świnoujście, Kołobrzeg, and many other locations offer comprehensive regeneration, comfortable rooms, swimming pools, saunas, and physiotherapy treatments that will allow for complete relaxation after active leisure.

No matter the season, at NAT, you will find exceptional offers and attractions that guarantee relaxation and regeneration.

See you at the next edition of the Olympics and in our centers!