We can reopen our hotels and resorts. Preparations for the season took a long time and we are even more happy that we will host you again. Everything is ready as always and the most important priority is your health and safety.

Ladies and Gentlemen,Thank you very much for choosing the facility of our network as your place of rest. We will make every effort to ensure that your stay is a time of relaxation and relaxation, but above all, that it is safe. Our highest priority is the safety and health of our employees and guests, which is why we take all necessary measures to provide them with a safe working and staying environment.

The situation is extraordinary and the ongoing threat of COVID-19 disease, as well as the restrictions imposed on us by law, force the need to make certain changes in the operation of our hotels and recreation centers. You will notice the lack of some amenities and services or a different way of providing them than those described in the offer, general terms and conditions and hotel regulations. We make every effort to ensure that these difficulties are as inconvenient as possible and we ensure that we have applied them only within the limits to which we were obliged.

Only people living together can be served at the reception at the same time.

We recommend limiting personal contact with the reception only to matters directly related to your stay and settlement - other matters should be handled by phone.

General recommendations regarding movement, gathering and personal protective equipment apply in the hotel/recreation center, i.e.:

  • maintaining a distance between staff and guests and guests among themselves
  • standard 2 m,
  • the obligation to cover the mouth and nose, e.g. with masks,
  • stations where stationary guest service takes place are protected by a screen and the staff cover their mouth and nose with a visor,- housemaids use a mask or visor to cover their mouth and nose
  • staff who come into contact with items given to or received from guests use disposable gloves and constantly disinfect them,- workstations are equipped with hand disinfection gel or liquid and surface disinfection liquid; For this purpose, we use certified bio-and virucidal preparations

Hotels/recreation centers are equipped with publicly available hand disinfection gel: inside, at each entrance to the facility, next to the reception, at the entrance to the restaurant and in public toilets.

Public toilets are continuously sanitized, confirmed by an appropriate entry in the control card, and disinfection of door handles, handrails, elevator and call buttons, switches, furniture in the lobby, reception desks, keys/room cards, etc.

Public areas and hotel corridors are ventilated several times a day.

We do not use hand dryers in public toilets, and each one is equipped with paper towels.
Reception desks are equipped with thermometers to measure temperature at the request of hotel guests.

At the reception you can buy: hand disinfection gel, antibacterial soap, ready-made masks and disposable gloves.

It is not possible to wait for a room in the reception lobby. Accommodation of guests is possible no earlier than at 15th; and leaving the room on the day of departure should take place no later than at 10.

Bedding and hotel towels are washed at a washing temperature of 60°C using professional detergents.

After the guest's stay in the room, the remote control, kettle, tray, furniture, chair backrests, bed panels, balconies and balcony furniture are additionally disinfected; are exchanged for clean cups/mugs and spoons; deckchairs, screen and blankets are sanitized (if they are standard equipment in the room)

The room is cleaned during the stay upon express request and in the absence of guests, after setting a time at the reception. You should also report the need to replace towels, bed linen, refill toilet paper and take out the trash.

Meals are served in the restaurant at the table or from the buffet, only with waiter service. The number of people at a table in the restaurant is limited.

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatments, swimming pool, saunas and SPA zone are available with restrictions regarding, among others, the number of people. Detailed information is provided by the reception.

The organization of bonfires, barbecues and the use of outdoor gyms, children's rooms and playgrounds, as well as tennis fields and courts are also subject to restrictions.

The restrictions introduced result from concern for your safety and are issued on the basis of the Regulation of the Minister of Health of March 20, 2020 introducing a state of epidemic in Poland related to the threat of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
The legal sources of the introduced rules are:
- Regulation of the Council of Ministers of May 29, 2020 on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and prohibitions in connection with the occurrence of a pandemic (Journal of Laws 2020.964),
- current recommendations of the Ministry of Development in consultation with the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate,
The above information is subject to ongoing updates by NAT sp. z o.o. and are modified in accordance with new GIS guidelines regarding the operation of the accommodation base and with orders and regulations established by other legal provisions to which we are subject.
By deciding to stay in our hotel, you accept the unique rules of stay and do not make any claims related to them. We are convinced that providing you with these safe conditions with a limited scope of services and an offer adapted to the situation and current legal requirements is an understandable priority and is accepted.

as of June 8, 2020

Najlepszy wypoczynek w Polsce